You are here: Getting Started - What You Need to Know > Navigation and Keyboard Use

Navigation and Keyboard Use

also see the SnagIt stock stamps


  • Arrow buttons - Left and right move cursor within a data field; up and down are non-functional.
  • Enter - Moves cursor to the next point of focus, a button or data field.
  • Tab - Moves cursor forward to next point of focus, a button or data field.
  • Shift-Tab - Moves cursor backward to previous point of focus, a button or data field.
  • Backspace - Deletes one character at a time to the left of the cursor.
  • Delete - Deletes one character at a time to the right of the cursor.
  • End - Moves cursor to end of current data field entry.
  • Home - Moves cursor to beginning of current data field entry.
  • Page Up / Page Down - Non-functional.
  • Hot Keys: Underlined letters in Buttons and Field names allow the User to navigate to that control by pressing the ALT key and the underlined letter at the same time.
  • Camera- This button is present on many screen and provides User with ability to take a screen shot of current display.


If you see this icon, , it means to open the link in a new window. In the example below, you may open the FO_LabInfo table in the current window by clicking on the link or in a new window by clicking on the icon,.

See more information on the FO_LabInfo table.




Button Action


Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving any changes and return to the previous screen.


Click Save to save all data on this screen and return to the previous screen.


Check box fields are toggles. Click a clear check box to check it. Click a checked box to clear it.